
死灵设计师观点:圣套骨甲遭砍 骷髅宠物大改

时间:2017-07-09 00:25 作者:凯恩 手机订阅 神评论


死灵设计师观点:圣套骨甲遭砍 骷髅宠物大改

  7月3日,死灵法师设计团队成员Travis Day在Twitch上分享了他对目前死灵法师开发进程的一些看法,并简述了死灵法师团队现下的核心设计工作。值得一提的是,随后Travis Day又在游戏论坛Reddit上针对视频中所提出观点回答了部分玩家的提问,其中有很多耐人寻味的有趣信息,包括一些与先前不甚相同的观点,干货十足。

  我们对Travis Day的回复和观点做了一些总结,大家不妨根据这些有趣的信息来猜测一下死灵法师在未来的改动。


  在Reddit上,部分网友针对近来大热的克戒再次进行了提问,Travis Day认为克戒的泛用是一个Bug,并不在他们的设计目标内。它将只对死灵法师生效,并且这个Bug在开赛季以前会被修复。


  目前死灵法师单人天梯最热门的当属圣套银河冰尸枪了,针对圣套对银河宝石特效的全局增伤问题,在上一个视频中Travis Day已作出回应,表示会调低其触发系数或不再对宝石生效(might be off and may be changed)。而本次在Reddit上,Travis Day则进行了更细致的解释。

  回帖原文:Honestly this isn't targeting anything in particular, it's simply a bug that we missed during testing.

  We certainly don't think the necros using this are Over performing, although its still too early to draw and conclusions on that front, but the tornado of the 6 piece is procing far more than it should. We will keep a close eye on necro performance but this is a bug that needs to be fixed.



  不过针对玩家们的担忧,Travis Day则表示设计团队的目标并非是降低这套BD的整体强度,或是改变圣套全局增伤的设计初衷,只是单纯地修复一个错误地Bug,并且会根据需求作出适当的补偿。(具体“补偿”方案未知)

  回帖原文:That's a completely understandable point. What I can say is that the goal isn't to reduce overall necro effectiveness, simply to correct a bug and then compensate as needed.


  在众多死灵法师的玩家中,有很大一部分是“召唤流”的忠实粉丝,而骷髅宠物在地板技能面前秒趟的Bug则让他们不得不放弃拉斯玛套。尽管在上次视频中Travis Day也针对这个问题进行了解释:骷髅宠物的24次被击数上限不是Bug,而是设计团队有意为之的,意在加快召唤的节奏。但玩家们似乎并不买账,表示这样的设计只会把更多拉斯玛套的玩家逼去玩伊纳瑞斯套。

  针对这个问题Travis Day在Reddit上作出了和先前不太一样的回复:

  回帖原文:The # hit = death was part of the early design of the skeletons. We wanted them to be crazy tanky like all pets but still feel like they died, because I mean... their skeletons... However since rift guardians who like to drop poop at their feet are killing them far faster than is ideal it is very likely we will justremove that flavor in favor of performance.


  除此之外,Travis Day还针对召唤流的设计发表了大篇幅的观点。首先,死灵法师与召唤物之间的互动将是最优先考虑的环节,设计团队更希望死灵法师的召唤玩法能区别于巫医既有的召唤玩法,甚至更有活力和可玩性。号令骸骨和号令傀儡的设计正是基于这一点,让玩家觉得按下这个技能就可以操纵这些召唤物。


  回帖原文:In the case of Skeletal Mage, we actually started out by having them be part of the normal undead army you summon back at Blizzcon but decided that they didn't feel strong enough. Our solution to this was to carve them out,make them their own spelland have them be much more powerful than a standard skeleton.


  回帖原文:our goal was to set a reasonable limit on the number of units any given player could summon and then make them all feel powerful and awesome.



  Travis Day跟网友透露了他对但提腰带的一些修改意见,设计团队认为但提腰带可以变得更加灵活,以至于可以解放任何一种玩家们想要的诅咒效果,而不是绑定衰老。

  回帖原文:We will talk about changing the belt, the original idea was to reinforce that Decrep should be the go to curse if you need survivability. That said opening up the item to allow for necros to use whatever curse they want, or to allow multiple necros to all feel like they are contributing while still using the belt seems like a solid idea.

