“16. Move that yellow butt
You can 100% move yellow elites and purple nurples with Implosion. They just need to be on the outer edge of the pull radius. I could not reproduce this on short-range runes. Working theory is that there are at least three separate radii in Cyclone Strike and at least three types of mobs. The mobs are 1) entirely immobile (e.g., trees), 2) partly immobile (e.g., yellow elites), and 3) entirely mobile (most trash with no apparent immunity to cyclone strike). The radii are taken into account on partly immobile mobs. The innermost radius is closest to your character; partly immobile mobs cannot be vortexed from here. The medium-distance radius is located just beyond the inner; partly immobile mobs can sometimes be vortexed. The outermost radius always affects partly immobile mobs; it is located at the edge of the implosion radius. I can vortex yellow elites around a map 20 times in succession with 100% accuracy with some practice and precision (much easier on less mobile ones!). The principal use of this knowledge is to be able to move the yellow butt off of plagued laser fields during solo play. In coop, the mob is probably dead before the field becomes nasty.”
此段说明的重点就在头三句,意思是在使用 34 码符文的情况下,假如金怪或紫怪是在拉怪半俓边缘的话,我们绝对能把它拉过来。而其他符文并不能做到这效果。
看到此贴后小僧立马用 34 码符文测试一下果然没误。A1 - A3 的匙怪和金怪在这距离下都能全数拉过来。测试过程中, 感觉能拉过来的最少距离就大约是附图中和尚和匙怪的距离,再远一点也能拉。但近一点通常都不能。
最后说说这技巧的应用:小僧主要玩辅助僧,刷图通常是和蝙蝠巫医一起刷地库,最蛋疼的精英莫过于带地板技的金火爷。以前一直认为金怪不能拉,于是每一次金火爷移位后都和巫医一起追着打,这样不单令巫医易断蓝,蝙蝠伤害亦不能维持在最高点(伤害会在 5 秒内持續上升)。另外,有时金怪身处各种秘法绿水红水,要队友深入敌阵绝非好事。这时候,辅助僧 34 码拉怪便可发挥作用,把金怪拉到合适位置再开战。
关于其他拉怪符文能否做到同样效果,小僧略略测试后。发觉不是完全做不到,但比起 34 码符文难很多。有感大部份人都是用 34 码符文,便没有再深究这问题。欢迎其他寺友测试。
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